This month we are partnering with an organization called "The Network". This is an awesome ministry that clothes and feeds families in need in Richardson and Plano!
If you are interested in going and serving with us we have TWO DATES you can register for!
Interested in DONATING to Warehouse Cares? Here is a list of the goods needed for this month! The LAST DAY to donate is November 13th
- Boxed or Canned meals
- Cans of Soup
- Cans of veggies
- Mac and Cheese
- Flour
- Sugar (White)
- Brown Sugar
- Baking Powder
- Vanilla Extract
- Baking Soda
- Chocolate Chips
- Oil
- Hand Soap
- Body wash
- Bars of soap
- Toothpaste
- Tooth Brushes
- Shampoo
- Conditioner
- Deodorant
If you have an questions, please email us at